Saturday, August 2, 2008

The neglected illnesses

I am surprised that there is still some debate these days, particularly in the political arena, about putting mental disorders on par with physical illnesses. It was disappointing to know that one of the better candidates of this year's presidential election was actually against putting mental and physical diseases on equal footing. Maybe this is the reason why people are kind of averse when it comes to admitting they are suffeirng from a mental problem. Unfortunately, there is some stigma attached to mental disorders. There are a number of such diseases, some of it collectively categorized under the umbrealla of "anxiety disorders"

Today, I plan to talk about what is called "generalized anxiety disorder". According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, such disorder "is characterized by persistent, excessive, and unrealistic worry about everyday things." Suffering from "GAD" involves a constant distress that something terrible may happen despite the fact that such events may not be likely to occur. People who have GAD may worry about common problems, including their family, their occupation, etc to a point that it hinders their normal ability to function.

This is not to say, however, that everyone who feels anxious instantly has a mental disorder. It is normal for people to get stressed out once in a while. Today's lifestyle would create some personal tensions. But those cases can be aided by proper eating habits, exercise, and even supplementary foods and vitamins. However, if such anxiety goes beyond what seems to be normal, then it is time to go consult a doctor. There is nothing wrong with having a check up for mental disorders because they have just about the same power as physical diseases to incapacitate a person.




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