Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Steps for a Younger You

Time sure goes by fast!! And those days that pass are valuable days that can even make you younger. Using these tips will not only help to prevent premature aging, but they may also help you look and feel younger than you currently do-no matter what your condition. Start thinking fresh and keep your body and mind vibrant this year!

1. Count your Calories
Several studies have found that eating a highly nutritious, calorie restricted diet slows the aging process.
2. Maintain a healthy muscle mass with resistance training
After the age of 30 we lose approximately one pound of muscle per year if we don't continue resistance training. So it is very important to remain active and get yourself those rubber stretching bands, to strengthen your muscles.
3. Take antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E and minerals like selenium and zinc.
These help to prevent cellular damage from free radicals. This damage is linked to the aging process.
4. Ship the Coffee.
Caffeine in coffee and tea causes dehydration, increases the secretion of stress hormones and causes loss of minerals like magnesium.
5. Take essential fatty acid supplements to keep your skin supple and inflammation low.
Take a high quality fish oil supplement daily. Fish oils are great natural anti-inflammatory compounds.

For the rest of the list (Original Article)

Featured Product: Arctic Omega Original/Lemon with Natural Vitamin E 90 gel by Bayho

Category: Fish Oil

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