Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Children Need Sleep

Of course we already know who needs more sleep and that's children. Children need more sleep than ever about eight hours a day. If a child does not have enough sleep, then they may have prenatal origins. What does this mean? This means that when a child does not get enough sleep they become associated with obesity, depressive symptoms, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and poor neurobehavioral functioning. I think that this is true because my boyfriend's little brother does not sleep until late. Probably til 2 in the morning, no one gives him that authority that is needed at his age. I think that it's very important that every child gets their rest because it will end up biting them in the ass later on in the future. Results demonstrate that among children born healthy and at full-term, a linear relationship exists between smaller body size at birth and poorer sleep quality eight years from birth.

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Category: Herb > Black Currant
Featured Product from Bayho: ProCurrant (Black Currant)

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