Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Children..Enjoy Peanuts!

I found yet another great article on ScienceDaily (I feel like I'm promoting for them sometimes) because I love their articles. I found one about how Children could receive a treatment to avoid their allergy to peanuts (long term)In my past experience, I think peanuts are what most people are allergic to? Am I wrong? It's a usual thing in my case of experience. haha A carefully administered daily dose of peanuts has been so successful as a therapy for peanut allergies that a select group of children is now off treatment and eating peanuts daily, report doctors at Duke University Medical Center and Arkansas Children's Hospital. Isn't that great? I don't think this is just for peanuts though, I think that they could unravel just about anything that somebody is allergic to. This procedure is not currently recommended for patients as it has not been fully tested, and it should never be attempted without full medical supervision. Tests of several immunologic indicators suggest the body builds tolerance quickly. What will scientists come up with next?!

Original Article
Category: Health Concern > Allergy
Featured Product from Bayho: Allermin (Allergy) 150 mg 60 cap

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