Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Flue shots :/

flu seasons is here, in case you haven't already noticed. It terrible, i cannot stand being sick and over the last two weeks or so I've had little symptoms here and there. i will admit last weekend was the worst i was all congested and my voice was all raspy and what not.

anyways let me get back to my point, i see signs in all the grocery stores about flu vaccinations, and i have to admit i don't think I've ever gotten one flu shot in my entire life.

which makes me question.. do we really need it??
i read this article on google news and it was explain the importance of the vaccination, especially in pregnant women.

"Oct. 27, 2009 -- A new survey shows only about one in four pregnant women and mothers of young children plan to get the H1N1 flu vaccine this year, despite recommendations from public health groups urging them to do so.

The CDC, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and many other public health organizations strongly recommend that pregnant women and new mothers get both the seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccine shots to protect themselves as well as their newborns.

The survey shows 43% of pregnant women and mothers of children younger than 2 years old plan to get a seasonal flu shot this year, up from 33% surveyed last year. But only 27% plan on getting the H1N1 flu vaccine."

original article
Category: Cold & Flu
Featured Product from Bayho:Cold and Flu Relief 60 tab

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