Thursday, May 7, 2009

Caffeine Reduces Pain During Exercise

Who would have thought? In my case, I'd like to have thought that Caffeine would slow people down. But I guess not. I found this interesting article on (wonderful site I might add). I am starting to get fit now, I've been trying to exercise, so I am trying to be more aware of what I am taking in to my body or whatever. As a former competitive cyclist, University of Illinois kinesiology and community health professor Robert Motl routinely met his teammates at a coffee shop to fuel up on caffeine prior to hitting the pavement on long-distance training rides.
"The notion was that caffeine was helping us train harder … to push ourselves a little harder," he said.
The cyclists didn't know why it helped, they just knew it was effective.
"I think intuitively a lot of people are taking caffeine before a workout and they don't realize the actual benefit they're experiencing. That is, they're experiencing less pain during the workout," Motl said.
He said it's becoming increasingly common for athletes – before competing – to consume a variety of substances that include caffeine, motivated by "the notion that it will help you metabolize fat more readily."

Original Article
Category: Herb > Ginseng
Featured Product from Bayho: American Ginseng Category: Health Canada :Herbal Formulas (Individual)
Health Function: Energy/Sports/Fitness

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