Over the years the term "douche" has been popping up everywhere. maybe its just me.. but i guess until a few years ago i never really heard the term.As usual when you hear a new words like that you wonder what it is? I would regurally heard my male classmates call each other "douche bags" so i figured it had to be a negative thing.
Out of curiosity one day i decided to figure out what a douche really was,and although i had an idea of what it might be im glad i looked it up because it provided me with tons of information on the subject.
douche is a device used to introduce a stream of water into the body for medical or hygienic reasons, or the stream of water itself.
Douche usually refers to vaginal irrigation, the rinsing of the vagina, but it can also refer to the rinsing of any body cavity. A douche bag is a piece of equipment for douching(a bag for holding the fluid used in douching.)
After looking into it i also found out that theres a really big controversy out there, and that many people are" iffy" on whether or not they should douche? which brings me to my question To douche or not to douche?
first of all lets start out with asking.Is Douching Healthy?
Simply stated, the answer is "No."
According to a study published by the American Journal of Public Health, douching may reduce a woman's chance of becoming pregnant during a particular month by approximately thirty percent.
Regular vaginal douching changes the delicate chemical balance of the vagina and can make a woman more susceptible to infections. Douching can introduce new bacteria into the vagina which can spread up through the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Researchers have found that women who douche regularly experience more vaginal irritations and infections such as bacterial vaginosis, and an increased number of sexually transmitted diseases.
but wait theres more...regular users of vaginal douches face a 73% greater risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)(a chronic condition that can lead to infertility, or even death, if left untreated.) Bacterial vaginosis and PID can have serious adverse affects on pregnancy including infections in the baby, labor problems, and preterm delivery.
it wouldnt be a controversy with out another side.
many women around the world still use douching as an effective way to self clean their vaginal area. i know plenty of women( all older then me) who douche and say that they have never had a problem and they feel cleaner then ever down there.
so again its all up to you.. douching may or may not be the way for you,but if you find that it is ,there are many products out there that can help keep you fresh and clean down there.
orginal post.vitamins/douching.picture.