Saturday, January 24, 2009

Acai benefits: fact or fiction

So for anyone who's been following on the latest health news or maybe you're just starting to get on board, you've probably heard of the Acai berry. A few weeks ago I went into a smoothie shop and ordered a berry smoothie, I decided to add in Acai just for the heck of it. The man charged me an extra 1.99 for this addition! I was taken aback but figure oh well, all for the price of health right? Coincidentally, the next day I went to Costco to load up on some groceries, a worker was giving samples or a health drink. My curiosity called and I took a look at the drink. "Acai!" It advertised on the label.

So what is so great about this berry? Is this a marketing scam or is there truth to this so called amazing nutritional fruit? According to, acai is a tropical fruit. It's taste can be described as a cross between a grape and a wild berry. So what's the big deal? Well, this fruit is believed to be LOADED with antioxidants. This little berry contains twice the amount of antioxidants as blueberries, ten times the antioxidant powers of grapes, and four times the antioxidants power of raspberries. The article also goes on to state the acai berry has one of the highest oxygen radical absorbance capacity. This is significant because free radicals in the body are unstable and can damage normal cells in the body which can lead to numerous diseases or cancers. Antioxidants prevent or slow down the oxidation of molecules in turn preventing the free radicals in your body.

So the rage behind the whole acai berry is quite a healthy rage afterall. Aside from it's antioxidants, the berry is also believed to help with weight loss and preventing heart disease. I actually ended up buying the acai health drink at Costco despite the price of about 16 or 17.99 a bottle. After all, I am drinking for my health right?

Original article
Vitamin and Supplement
Super Antioxidant 90 cap
Picture source

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