Saturday, January 17, 2009

fatigue and stress result of ADRENALS GLANDS?

I don't think I'm alone when I say I don't handle stress very well. I think because of the how fast pace and aggressive the world has become, stress is a daily issue in many people's lives. You can find tons and tons of articles and stories and recommendations as to how to deal with stress, how to avoid stress, how to fight stress...etc.

Most of you probably already know the typical causes of stress such as lack of sleep, unbalanced diet, or too much pressure from the family and/or work place, but did you know another cause of stress may be more scientific? I've recently found an article on that discuss the lesser know biological part, adrenal glands. At first (excuse my ignorance), I thought the adrenal gland was somewhere located in the brain, to my utter embarassment, it is located at the top of the kidneys! They are responsible for the regulation and production of many different types of hormones. One of the hormones being, cortisol.

When cortisol is lowered, our body is unable to deal with stress. If our body is dealing with chronic stress, the adrenal gland is unable to keep up with the amount of cortisol our body needs. The adrenal in turns becomes "exhuasted". This may sound bad, but never fear, our intricate and amazing bodies are fighters! There are steps you can take to reverse the effects of an exhausted adrenal gland.

According to the article, it may take 6 months to 2 years for the adrenal glands to recover, but this amount of time is nothing compared to the possible healthy years ahead if you deal with this matter. Some steps mentioned in the article were:

1. Find the causes of stress in your life and find ways to remove or deal with them (easier said than done).
2. Sleep
3. Nutritional Supplements such as DHEA at 15-30 mg helps.
4. Diet- eat regular meals and chew food well.

These are the recommendations that I picked out from the article. You can actually click on the article (link below) to get a more detailed explanation. Bottomline, maintain a healthy lifestyle and take care of your adrenals by eating right, regular exercise, and getting enough sleep.

Original article
Vitamin & Supplement
Adrenal 60 vcap
Picture source

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